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Do I have to be a member in order to attend a meeting?Simple answer: not at all. Feel free to join us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:30am for a meeting and get to know us. You are free to join at any time if you choose to.
Do I have to have a degree in music in order to join?No degrees are required to join. We will, however, gladly link to a website and post your degrees and credentials for you once you join so you can let people know.
I've only been teaching 1 year, can I still join?"You would be our favorite kind of teacher! Yes, please consider joining. We have discounts and other assistance for you so don't let the cost be the reason you change your mind. If you would like to know more, just contact us today!
Do I have to be a piano teacher?No, we welcome all music instructors and even have among us members who work professionally in business adjacent to music instruction, such as instrument tuning and repair. What a great place to make connections with the best people to know for your business!
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