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How Concepts from Music Therapy Can Reduce Student Stress and Anxiety During the Pandemic

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Christine Wineberg, Psy.D

Date: 11/10/2020

Time: 9:30 AM (business meeting will follow)

Workshop description: Nearly a year into a pandemic and other significant environmental and interpersonal stressors it is common to see the effects of stress and symptoms of anxiety and dep

ression among the people we work with and teach. Our collective psychological well-being requires more focused care than ever. 

The use of music as a psychological resource is a concept well familiar to musicians and the cornerstone of music therapy. However, at a time when making music together is restricted and

most performances are canceled, this is a resource out of reach for so many people. This workshop will identify musical and non musical methods to meet the demand of addressing stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms when they emerge within the trusted teacher/student relationship. Drawing from two decades of practice as a music therapist and with insights from clinical psychology, Christine Wineberg will discuss concepts useful when encountering stress, tension, irritability, apathy, fragility and related behaviors that emerge in the studio as well as options for self care to maintain your own well-being. 


Christine Wineberg, Psy.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist and behavioral medicine consultant in Chelan where she also serves as the clinical supervisor for the Behavioral Health team. She is from Philadelphia, PA, (and is still a die-hard Eagles fan!) She has a Bachelor's degree in music therapy from Mansfield University and a Master of Arts degree in Music Therapy from Drexel University. After maturing through a career as a music therapist she then obtained a clinical doctorate in psychology, from Immaculata University. She didn't anticipate leaving Pennsylvania until an opportunity for a pre-doctoral internship presented itself in Washington. Christine completed her pre-doctoral internship and a post doctoral fellowship at CVCH in Wenatchee before joining the Chelan clinic and becoming clinical faculty with the UW Family Medicine Residency, Rural Training Track. Her areas of interest include health psychology, psychophysiological disorders, therapeutic assessment, autism and compassion fatigue. When she is not immersed in academic activity she enjoys singing, playing guitar and piano, and swimming. She volunteers some time to support an annual local music festival by  co-chairing the board of the Lake Chelan Bach Fest.

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